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Global Sharing and Data Analytics
Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society

2019 POMS International Conference in China
June 21-24, 2019
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

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Global Sharing and Data Analytics
Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society

2019 POMS International Conference in China
June 21-24, 2019
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

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Global Sharing and Data Analytics
Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society

2019 POMS International Conference in China
June 21-24, 2019
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Slider 3

Global Sharing and Data Analytics
Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society

2019 POMS International Conference in China
June 21-24, 2019
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Slider 3

Global Sharing and Data Analytics
Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society

2019 POMS International Conference in China
June 21-24, 2019
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China


Welcome to 2019 POMS International Conference in China.

As an influential international organization, POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) has developed rapidly in recent years. Chinese scholars have achieved academic breakthroughs in this field, combining with featured issues in production and operation in China. With the rapid development of China’s reform and opening-up, the typical issues in China’s manufacturing industry and service industry also bear the characteristics of the times. The proposition and solution for these issues will provide scientific and effective guidance, as well as reference, for the social and economic development of countries all around the world.

With the approval of POMS board in 2018, four leading Chinese business schools initiated the POMS International Conference in China, which is one of the regional POMS International Conference Series. The first conference will be hosted at Tianjin University, China on 21-24 June, 2019.

Tianjin University, founded in 1895 named as Peiyang University then, is the first institution of higher education in the modern history of China. The history of management education of Tianjin University dates back to early 1940s, and resumed in 1978 with China’s reform and opening-up. In 1984, the School of Management of Tianjin University was established, which is one of the first few management schools authorized by the Ministry of Education of China. In 2009, the College of Management and Economics was reconstituted during the faculty system reform of the university. Since its establishment, the school has long been among the leading management schools in China. In 2017, the school’s flagship Program of Management Science and Engineering, which is closely related with POMS fields, was selected into the list of First-Class Programs under the national “Double World-Class Project”.

The conference theme of this year is “Global Sharing and Data Analytics – Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society”. We hope that the conference will provide a broader and more convenient platform for more Chinese scholars in the field of POMS to have academic exchange and communication, and provide abundant opportunities for scholars from all over the world to carry out diversified cooperation and exchange in China as well.

We look forward to meeting you all at the conference, and wish you a fruitful and inspiring experience.

Thank you.

2019 POMS International Conference in China


Honorary President

George Shanthikumar

Dick Dauch Distinguished
Chair Professor
Purdue University
President of POMS


Wei Zhang

Chair Professor
Tianjin University


In Alphabetic Sequence by Surname

Jian Chen

Tsinghua University

Xiaohong Chen

Hunan University of Commerce
Academician of CAE

Gengzhong Feng

Dean, Professor
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Ziyou Gao

Beijing Jiaotong University
Society of Management Science and Engineering of China

Chongqing Guo

Tongji University
Academician of CAE

Sushil Gupta

Florida International University
Executive Director of POMS

Haijun Huang

Vice President
Beihang University

Jingwen Li

Beijing University of Technology
Academician of CAE

Yijun Li

Harbin Institute of Technology

Nagesh Murthy

University of Oregon
Associate Executive Director of POMS

Michael Pinedo

Julius Schlesinger Professor
New York University

Zuojun Shen

University of California Berkeley
Tsinghua University

Kalyan Singhal

Doris E. and Robert
V. McCurdy Chair Professor
University of Baltimore
Editor-in-Chief of POM

Shouyang Wang

Dean, Professor
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yingluo Wang

Xi'an Jiaotong University
Academician of CAE

Zhongtuo Wang

Dalian University of Technology
Academician of CAE

Jiang Wei

Dean, Professor
Zhejiang University

Liexun Yang

Vice Director of Department
National Natural Science
Foundation of China

Shanlin Yang

Hefei University of Technology
Academician of CAE

Yugang Yu

Dean, Professor
University of Science and Technology of China



Baofeng Huo

Dean, Professor
Tianjin University


In Alphabetic Sequence by Surname

Ada CheNorthwestern Polytechnical University
Fangruo ChenShanghai Jiao Tong University
Chen-fu ChienTaiwan Tsing Hua University
Tsan-Ming ChoiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ying FanBeihang University
Bo FengSoochow University
Zhen HeTianjin University
Xiangpei HuDalian University of Technology
Zhongsheng HuaZhejiang University
Lihua HuangFudan University
Gang KouSouthwestern University of Finance and Economics
Subodha KumarTemple University
Yuan LiTongji University
Zhaotong LianUniversity of Macau
Janny LeungThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shoufeng MaTianjin University
Ershi QiTianjin University
Jiafu TangDongbei University of Finance and Economics
ChungPiaw TEONational Univeristy of Singapore
Fan WangSun Yat-sen University
Yiming WeiBeijing Institue of Technology
Houmin YanCity University of Hong Kong
Qiang YeHarbin Institute of Technology
Weiguo ZhangSouth China University of Technology
Xiande ZhaoChina Europe International Business School
Xiaobo ZhaoTsinghua University
Vladimir ZwassFairleigh Dickinson University


In Alphabetic Sequence by Surname

Gangshu CaiSanta Clara University
Jianqing ChenThe University of Texas at Dallas
Lihua Chen Peking University
Xin ChenUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ying-Ju ChenThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Frank Chen City University of Hong Kong
Zhixiang ChenSunYat-sen University
Haitao CuiUniversity of Minnesota
Yue DaiFudan University
Bin DanChongqing University
Tianhu DengTsinghua University
Ming DongShanghai Jiao Tong University
Debin Fang Wuhan University
Ke FuLingnan (University) College
Bikram GhoshUniversity of Arizona
Simai HeShanghai University of Finance and Economics
Ming HuUniversity of Toronto
Xiaoxuan HuHefei University of Technology
George HuangHong Kong University
Hong HuoTsinghua University / National Natural Science Foundation of China
Vernon HsuThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Congdong LiJinan University
Jianbin LiHuazhong University of Science and Technology
Yongjian LiNankai University
Zhe LiangTongji University
YunFong LIMSingapore Management University
Yong LiuUniversity of Arizona
Yunchuan LiuUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Feng LuPurdue University
Xiaoyuan LuUniversity of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill
Li LuoSichuan University
Xin LvNational University of Defense Technology
Baozhuang NiuSouth China University of Technology
Xiaosong PengUniversity of Houston
Hu QinHuazhong University of Science and Technology
Houcai ShenNanjing University
Jia ShuSoutheast University
Yong TanWashington University
Ou TangLinkoping University
Fugee TsungThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Guohua WanShanghai Jiao Tong University
Yulan WangThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Zizhuo WangUniversity of Minnesota
Hang WeiShanghai University of Finance and Economics
Desheng WuUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Gang WuNational Natural Science Foundation of China
Jianjun WuBeijing Jiaotong University
Xiaole WuFudan University
Honghui XiaOhio State University
Min XieCity University of Hong Kong
Xiaotao YaoXi'an Jiaotong University
Yi Yang Zhejiang University
Xiaohang YueUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Fuqiang ZhangWashington University in St.Louis
Jiawei ZhangNew York University
Xiaoning ZhangTongji University
Hui ZhaoThe Pennsylvania State University
Lei ZhaoTsinghua University
Yongwu ZhouSouth China University of Technology
Qinghua ZhuShanghai Jiao Tong University



Zhaofang Mao

Associate Dean Professor
Tianjin University
Vice President-Australasia, POMS


Zuoyi Liu

Chief of Division
National Natural Science
Founation of China


Annabelle Feng

John and Donna Krenicki
Chair Professor
Purdue University


In Alphabetic Sequence by Surname

Jun GuanBeijing University of Technology
Weihua LiuTianjin University
Yan LiuTianjin University
Feng WuXi'an Jiaotong University
Jingui XieUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Xiong XiongTianjin University
Ting YuanTianjin University
Weihua ZhouZhejiang University


David Simchi-Levi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Editor-in-Chief of Management Science

David Yao

Piyasombatkul Family Professor
Columbia University
Fellow of National Engineering Academy

Fangruo Chen

Dean, Professor
Antai College of Economics & Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zuojun Shen

University of California Berkeley
Tsinghua University


In Alphabetic Sequence by Surname

Xin Chen

University of Ollinois Urbana-Champaign

Annabelle Feng

John and Donna Krenicki
Chair Professor
Purdue University

Ming Hu

University of Toronto

Fuqiang Zhang

Washington University in St. Louis


9:00-9:30Openning Ceremony
9:30-10:15Keynote 1
10:15-10:30Tea Break
10:30-11:15Keynote 2
11:15-12:00Keynote 3
13:00-15:00Parallel Session1Tutorial Session1
15:00-15:30Tea Break
15:30-17:30Parallel Session2Tutorial Session2
18:00-20:00Welcome Dinner
8:30-9:15Keynote 4
9:15-10:00Keynote 5
10:00-10:15Tea Break
10:15-12:15Parallel Session3Tutorial Session3
13:30-15:30Parallel Session4Tutorial Session4
15:30-15:45Tea Break
15:45-17:45Parallel Session5Tutorial Session5
24-Jun8:30-14:00Tour A FAW Toyato Motor Company Limited
Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corporation
Tour B The Coca-Cola Company
Tour CAirbus
GE Healthcare


Tour A
Tour B
Tour C

There are 45 seats limited for each tour (totally 135 seats for the industrial tour currently), the organizational committee will satisfy the applicants who complete the registration (include industrial tour) by the order sequence.


1. Presentations are recommended to be prepared and delivered in English. But if you prefer to give the presentation in Chinese, please inform us in the registration form.

2. The time for oral presentation is 15 minutes followed by 5-minute questions and answers (Q & A) session (6 presentations per track).

3. Please be in smart casual and arrive at their presentation venue at least 15 minutes prior to designated session.

4. Please save your presentation file in a USB memory stick rather than connect your own laptop.

5. Please give your presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is not allowed to use other audio, visual medium or software.


Abstract Submission Closes 15th March 2019
Full Paper (for best student paper competition) Submission Closes 31st March 2019
Notification of Acceptance of Submission 30th April 2019
Early Bird Online Registration Closes 15th May 2019
Regular Online Registration Open 16th May 2019
Registration Deadline for Presenting Authors 20th May 2019
Regular Online Registration Closes 20th June 2019


The 2019 International Conference in China will be organized by Tianjin University from 21-24 June 2019. The conference will be held in Tianjin. The theme of the conference this year is “Global Sharing and Data Analysis – Intelligent Production and Services for Human and Society”.

You are invited to submit abstracts/papers that are related to the following potential topics (not limited to):

·Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA)
·Behavioral Operations Management (BOM)
·Closed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
·Emerging OM Issues (EOI)
·Empirical Research in Operations Management (ERO)
·Finance and Operations Management (FOM)
·Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM)
·Healthcare Operations Management (HOM)
·Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM)
·Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM)
·Innovation Analytics and Data-driven OM (IADO)
·Inventory Management (INVM)
·Manufacturing Operations (MANF)
·One Belt and One Road Development (OBOR)
·POM in Food and Agriculture (PAG)
·Pricing & Revenue Management (PRM)
·Product Innovation and Technology Management (PITM)
·Public Operations Management (POM)
·Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM)
·Quality Management (QLM)
·Scheduling and Logistics (SCHL)
·Service Operations and Servitization (SOS)
· Sustainable Operations (SUO)

Interested participants are invited to submit the abstract via email to with subject "2019 POMS in China Abstract Submission".

   · Abstract should include a title and the names and affiliations of all authors, (please identify the name of the paper presenter), and 3-5 keywords. The length of the abstract should be no more than 150 words.

   · For presenter whose abstract is accepted, please register for the conference by the registration deadline for presenting authors (which is 20th May 2019).



   1. The first-prize will receive 10,000CNY

   2. The second-prize will receive 5,000CNY

   3. The third-prize will receive 2,000CNY


   1. The first-prize (1)

   2. The second-prize (2)

   3. The third-prize (5)


To participate in the competition, please submit a full paper in electronic form (MS Word/PDF) with subject "2019 POMS in China Best Student Paper Competition Submission" via email to on or before 31 March 2019.

   · The paper should include a title, author names, and the corresponding author's phone/fax number.

   · The submitted paper should be written in English, and the presentation should be delivered in English.

   · Please follow the format instruction on .


Registration Fee

Exclude industrial tourInclude industrial tour
Normal $375 USD(¥2500 CNY)Normal $420 USD(¥2800 CNY)
Student $225 USD(¥1500 CNY) Student $270 USD(¥1800 CNY)
Exclude industrial tourInclude industrial tour
Normal $450 USD(¥3000 CNY)Normal $495 USD(¥3300 CNY)
Student $270 USD(¥1800 CNY)Student $315 USD(¥2100 CNY)

Registration covers all technical sessions, conference lunch, and conference dinner. No partial refund if the registrant does not attend any part of the event.

Payment Method and Registration Form

Please complete the Registration Form and send the file to


●Venue for Registration: Tianjin University (Weijin Road Campus). Lobby of the 1st floor, Building No. 25, Block A

●Venue for the Conference: Tianjin University (Weijin Road Campus). Lecture Hall, 4th floor, Joint research building of TJU-NKU



Tianjin, briefly named as Jin, is the largest open city along the coastline in northern China. The city is administered as a municipality with provincial-level status. Tianjin is located in northeast part of the North China Plain and the center of Bohai-Rim, bordering the Bohai Sea in the east, leaning against the Yanshan Mountain in the north. It is only 120 kilometers from Beijing in the northwest. Tianjin covers an area of 11,760 square kilometers, with a 153-kilometerlong coastline and a total municipal population of 12,280,000. Tianjin is rich in tourism resources. There are various types of attraction, including mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, springs, and wetlands. Tianjin plays a prominent role in China’s modern history and can be viewed as an epitome of modern history of China. The blend of Chinese and Western cultures forms Tianjin’s distinctive human resources. Welcome to Tianjin!
Learn more...


Tianjin University (TJU) is the first modern higher education institution in China, and now a national university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China. It is a Chinese Ministry of Education Class A Double First Class University. It was established in 1895 as Tientsin University/Imperial Tientsin University and later Peiyang University (Beiyang University). In 1951, after restructuring, it was renamed Tianjin University, and became one of the largest multidisciplinary engineering universities in China. The university was one of the first 16 universities accredited by the nation in 1959. It is also among the first group of institutions of higher learning in the national "211-Project" to which priority is given in construction. In order to carry out the "21st Century Education Revitalizing Action Plan", in late 2000 the Ministry of Education and Tianjin Municipality signed an agreement which aims to build Tianjin University into a 1st-class university in the world in the 21st century.
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The history of management education of Tianjin University dates back to early 1940s, and resumed in 1978 with China’s reform and opening-up. In 1984, the School of Management of Tianjin University was established, which is one of the first few management schools authorized by the Ministry of Education of China. In 2009, the College of Management and Economics was reconstituted during the faculty system reform of the university. Since its establishment, the school has long been among the leading management schools in China. In 2017, the school’s flagship Program of Management Science and Engineering, which is closely related with POMS fields, was selected into the list of First-Class Programs under the national “Double World-Class Project”.
CoME is a group on a mission to be devoted to train brilliant talents. We aspire to be a globally recognized educational institute of management and economics, pursuing teaching excellence and transformative research with impact. We develop people who seek and apply the truth of management and economics.
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